NOTE: Our correct FAX number is (415) 321-5378. The number in the manual is incorrect.
We're proud of AutoDoubler and we think you'll be pleased with its speed and ease of use.
If you encounter any problems, please read the "AutoDoubler READ ME FIRST" file first, before calling tech support. Have your System Version, serial number, and a clear description of the problem prepared.
As when installing any new software, we recommend making a backup before installing.
We recommend reading the "AutoDoubler READ ME FIRST" file before beginning. But if you're in a hurry, here's what to do:
1. Install AutoDoubler by double-clicking the installer and then clicking the "Install" button.
2. Restart your Macintosh.
3. The startup disk defaults to compress automatically. If you have other volumes, open the AutoDoubler Control panel, and click to the left of the volume name to check it (├). This will turn on automatic compression for that volume.
4. Leave your machine on for an hour or two. AutoDoubler will do the rest. (On slower machines or large hard disks, full compression savings may take several hours.) Of course, you can continue working while AutoDoubler operates; it will not interfere with your work.
The AutoDoubler manual explains more about AutoDoubler. We recommend reading it.
Ñ If you are using DiskDoubler, you must have DiskDoubler 3.7.4 or later to work properly with AutoDoubler. Do NOT use an earlier version of DiskDoubler with AutoDoubler. You may use AutoDoubler by itself without DiskDoubler.
Ñ For considerably better performance, you should convert all your existing DiskDoubler files to AutoDoubler format. The easiest way to do this is to just expand them. AutoDoubler will compress them automatically. As an alternative, you can use the "Convert" command in the DiskDoubler 3.7.4 application.